Things I Love, Nov/December 2018

About this series: A symptom of being a student of both critical development theory AND yoga is that I’ve become painfully aware of the importance of making conscious choices at the checkout, since we are ‘voting’ with our dollars, after all! Total abandonment of consumerism simply isn’t practical, so this monthly blog series highlights a few things – maybe ethical purchases or healthy noshes – that I’ve discovered each month, and why I love them!


This edition will be a little bit different, as I committed to a ‘no-spend November’, where I restricted my purchases to only the necessities. Let me tell you, this is no easy task in the lead up to the holiday season! So these new faves below are all without a price tag…well, kind of.

Music with a Message
shawn & khalid
Now I know that music often has a meaningful message, but there seems to be a new wave of it coming from some of my fave artists, right in time for what can be a challenging time of year for many folks. If your faith in humanity needs some renewal, watch the videos for Youth by Shawn Mendes and Khalid, and Us by James Bay. The kids are definitely alright.

Smart & Easy Food Bank Donations
Many Loblaws / Zehr’s locations now have these handy signs in front of items that food banks are in greatest need of. Not only does this serve as a reminder to us while we’re shopping that we have the power to share the wealth, but it also helps ensure that food banks receive the right items at the right time! While you shop, keep your eyes peeled for these signs, and then drop your donations in the food bank bin on your way out of the store. Kudos to everyone involved in this collaboration!

Allllllll Things Lavender
Its probably no surprise that a yoga teacher loves lavender. This is not a new discovery for me, but I’ve been relying on lavender a bit more lately as a mild sleep aid. I’m using some lavender from Terre Bleu under my pillow and a lavender essential oil roll-on from Neob Niagara as a one-two punch to help knock me out at bedtime.

The Gift of Time, Words…or Blood?
Throughout this year, I’ve been trying to shift to less material gifts to mark special occasions – whether its giving an ‘experience’ like concert tickets or setting a date for a girls’ night out, or showing appreciation through a well-thought-out letter. The holiday season is the perfect time to refine this and to pay it forward beyond your immediate family and friend group. The need for blood is quite high over the holidays, so if you have some time off, book an appointment to donate today at Almost half of Canadians are eligible to donate, but only 1 in 60 do so. Now’s the time!

What music are you finding meaningful these days? What non-material gifts did you give your loved ones this year? Share your thoughts with me on the LMents Yoga Facebook page!

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