Food for Thought, September 2018

About this series: Inspired by opinion pieces, news articles, famous quotes, or books I’m reading, this monthly blog series contains my musings on ways we can live mindfully, authentically, and generously. You might hear some of the same themes woven into the opening and closing meditations in my classes!


Whether you’re strolling the sidewalks of Toronto or driving the highways of Muskoka, there’s something to be said for taking the back roads. You might have to trudge through a few alleys, the speed limit might be lower, but you’ll see a place you thought you were familiar with in a whole new light. Whether you stumble upon a new wall of graffiti or get to witness a magical moment in nature, intentionally choosing a different path can be so rewarding.

This does not just apply to your Sunday drive. Adopting this kind of mentality will be helpful on your mat. Sequencing is one of the best parts of teaching yoga – I get to constantly come up with different ways to prepare you for a peak pose. No matter the destination, or no matter the peak post, there’s more than one way to get there. My job is to help keep things fresh and exciting for you.

Whether its on your regular walk to work, on your mat, or in making big decision’s, be open to the detours. At worst, you’ll have added a few extra minutes to your commute; at best, you’ll be surprised and delighted by what life has in store for you.

Blog 8

What detours have you taken that have been rewarding? Let me know on the LMents Yoga Facebook page!

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